Research and teaching

Since 2007, I am full professor (part-time) at Fresenius University of Applied Sciences Cologne, Psychology School, and enjoy teaching students of our practically oriented bachelor and master programs, supervising empirical theses and research internships as well as offering extracurricular workshops on a regular basis.

Please find here an overview of my scientific publications as well as an overview of conference contributions and invited talks and some links to a selection of popular scientific media contributions (mostly in German).

My current research interests include:

  • applied social and communication psychology, i.e., effects of social cognition design and processing of personal and media communication, currently in particular in close cooperation with Bonn Institute for Journalism and Constructive Dialogue as part of the project Psychology for journalists.
  • social identity and team building, prejudice and discrimination, diversity, context dependency of self-image and image of others
  • promotion of social competences, flow, self-efficacy expectations, innovation and creativity; inner multitude as personal resource
  • stress and stress management in studying and at work, coping and resource activation during changes, mental health and self-care in various contexts (currently with a focus on the cultural, music and event sector in close cooperation with YOUROPE as part of the project stay SOUND & CHECK yourself)

At Hochschule Fresenius Cologne, I also provided neutral and confidential counselling for our student project teams and their mentors (all faculties) on self-management and conflict as well as psychosocial support for our international students from 2014 to 2022 and served as liaison teacher at Business and Media Faculty from 2020 to 2022.

I am member of several professional associations (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie DGPs Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Positiv-Psychologische Forschung DGPPF, European Association of Social Psychology EASP, Systemische Gesellschaft SG), scientific advisory board member of Institut für Diversity- und Antidiskriminierungsforschung IDA, and provide peer review for various scientific journals.

No research without action, no action without research.

(Kurt Lewin)

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