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We don't see things as they are. We see them as we are. (Anaïs Nin)

Workshops and surveys

Building on my longterm and manifold experience in personnel and organizational development (see also "about me", references on demand) I offer workshops and trainings, consulting and coaching on issues of applied economic, social, and health psychology for companies and non-profit organizations. Scope and volume of all measures will be agreed upon in a customized way, according to your particular participants, goals and needs. I will also be happy to support your employee or target group surveys as well as evaluation projects with scientifically sound competence in methodological conception, realization and data analysis. 

Typical issues may be:

  • communication skills (e.g. appreciation and respect, feedback and constructive criticism, successfully delegating tasks and responsibilities, efficient meetings, structured documentation)
  • team-building; group dynamics, prevention and intervention measures for conflicts and mobbing
  • developing an authentic, values-based organizational, departmental or team culture
  • diversity management, raising awareness of subtle everyday discrimination (racism, sexism, hostility against members of the LGBTQIA* community,...).
  • team supervision, case supervision in psychosocial counselling, (systemic) method coaching and counselling
  • measures fostering innovation and creativity
  • stress-management and self-care, organizational health care